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发布日期:2014/7/1 14:47:46  浏览:1053 次



More teF-1000高固体水基粘弹性减振阻尼漆。不同於常规阻尼材料,F-1000是一种低密度的产品,干膜重量较轻的前提下高阻尼性能,振动吸收结合粘性(能量耗散)和弹簧(能力储存)特征,振动能量被吸收材料内并转化为热量。

  • F-1000隔声漆独特的优化配方,各项参数均优于同类产品。这个特殊的减振阻尼性能增加了速干性、易用性、环保性和阻燃性。
  • F-1000隔声漆是一种触变糊状物,可以使用铲子、刷子、滚子和喷枪等方式来施工,一旦干燥、固化成胶后防紫外线、防水和防碎裂。
  • F-1000隔声漆有效地减少了共振,使板面谐振效应减少而增加传输损耗,显著控制原基材共振频率而提升隔声量。
  • F-1000隔声漆遵循IMO A653-16标准以及CE认证(MED B)并且达到BS476.6和BS476.7的O等级质量要求。
  • F-1000隔声漆是对重量附加要求严格的环境重点选择。例如钢结构建筑屋顶、飞机、游艇、汽车和列车等。


  • 无流涎(触变性)
  • 对铝等金属有优异的粘附力
  • 固化而成坚硬的防脆裂表面
  • 阻燃、无毒、环保
  • 使用温度范围与频率范围广
  • 可气枪喷涂、无气喷涂、喷涂和滚刷施工


Text 2F-1000 high solid water base viscoelasticity vibration damping paint. 
Different with the normal damping material, F-1000 is a low density product,with light weight dry film damping performance. The vibration absorb combination viscosity (energy loss) spring (energy save) characteristic, the energy is absorbed by the absorption material converted into heat.

  • F-1000 acoustic paint unique formula optimization parameter better than same kind product. This special vibration damping property increased the dry speed, ease use, environmental protection flame redundancy.
  • F-1000 acoustic paint is a kind thyrotrophic paste, which can use scoop, brush, roller gun for construction, after dry it,  UV protect, waterproof fragmentation.
  • F-1000 acoustic paint effectively reduces the vibration resonance effect,but increases transmission loss, so it controls the material vibration frequency increases sound reduction.
  • F-1000 acoustic paint complies with IMO A653-16 standard CE certificate (MED B) also reaches BS476.6 BS476.7 O level quality requirement.
  • F-1000 acoustic paint is the environmental import choice for the weight additional strict requirement. Such as steel structure building roof, plane,yacht, car, train so on.

Product Feature

  • No drooling ( thixotropy)
  • Excellent adhesive force for aluminum metal
  • Curing hard brittle resistance crack surface
  • Flame resistant, non-toxic, environmental protect.
  • Wide range of temperature frequency
  • Air guy spaying, airless spaying, spaying rolling brush construction.


  • 优秀的阻燃性,达到国际游艇防火标准
  • 水基,易于使用和清理
  • 重量最轻,性能最佳的阻尼减振产品
  • 适应恶劣的户外暴露场合
  • 增加传输损失,显著消除谐振响声
  • 适用於重量要求高的应用环境


  • 机场、车站、码头、体育场馆等钢结构建筑屋顶
  • 钢结构楼梯以及金属底板设备
  • 引擎仓、船舱、甲板和船舱壁
  • 飞机、列车、汽车轿厢主动减 振及被动降噪
  • 卡车、货车底板,挖掘机械外罩
  • 产生声污染的机械设备外壳
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